Today's I Ching for Lucille Ball
The coins have been tossed...

| The present is embodied in Hexagram 11 - T'ai (Peace): We see the lesser gone and greatness come upon us. There will be good fortune, with progress and success. | | The first (bottommost) line, undivided, suggests the idea of grass pulled up, and bringing with it other stalks with whose roots it is connected. Advance on the part of its subject will be fortunate. | | The fifth line, divided, reminds us of king Ti-yi's rule about the marriage of his younger sister. By such a course there is happiness and there will be great good fortune. | | The situation is shifting, but neither Yin (the passive feminine force) nor Yang (the active masculine force) is gaining ground. | 

| The future is embodied in Hexagram 48 - Ching (The Well): We think of how the site of a town may be changed, while the fashion of its wells undergoes no change. The water of a well never disappears but never receives any great increase, and those who come and those who go can draw and enjoy the benefit. If the drawing has nearly been accomplished, but before the rope has quite reached the water the bucket is broken, this is evil. |  | The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the upper trigram K'un (Earth), which is transforming into K'an (Water). As part of this process, docility and receptivity are giving way to danger and the unknown. |  | The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram Chi'en (Heaven), which is transforming into Sun (Wind). As part of this process, strength and creativity are giving way to penetration and following. |