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Today's Stichomancy for Brittany Murphy

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln:

"What was that you passed to Mr. Rochester in the police court and he later gave to Mr. Turnbull?" he asked. "Oh, don't deny it, I saw you palm a note, Mr. Rochester, from the young lady."

"There is nothing now to conceal," declared Helen. "After O'Ryan and Jimmie left the house for the police station I grew fearful that Jimmie might over-tax his strength in carrying out the farce of his arrest. So as soon as I could I telephoned to Philip to meet me at the police court and to bring some amyl nitrite capsules with him."

"And the note, Sylvester, which you saw Miss McIntyre give me in court," concluded Rochester, as Helen paused, "told me to hand the capsules to the burglar and to defend him in court. I did both,

The Red Seal