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Today's Stichomancy for Donald Trump

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Land that Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs:

my stomach with water from a clear cold spring. I have three gourds which I fill with water and take back to my cave against the long nights. I have fashioned a spear and a bow and arrow, that I may conserve my ammunition, which is running low. My clothes are worn to shreds. Tomorrow I shall discard them for leopard-skins which I have tanned and sewn into a garment strong and warm. It is cold up here. I have a fire burning and I sit bent over it while I write; but I am safe here. No other living creature ventures to the chill summit of the barrier cliffs. I am safe, and I am alone with my sorrows and my remembered joys--but without hope. It is said that hope springs eternal in the human breast; but there

The Land that Time Forgot