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Today's Stichomancy for Francis Ford Coppola

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The School For Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan:

that worthy man grounds for so much uneasiness!--Sir Peter--there's nothing in the world so noble as a man of Sentiment!--

[Stand for some time looking at one another. Exit CHARLES.]

SURFACE. Sir Peter--notwithstanding I confess that appearances are against me. If you will afford me your Patience I make no doubt but I shall explain everything to your satisfaction.--

SIR PETER. If you please--Sir--

SURFACE. The Fact is Sir--that Lady Teazle knowing my Pretensions to your ward Maria--I say Sir Lady Teazle--being apprehensive of the Jealousy of your Temper--and knowing my Friendship to the Family. S he Sir--I say call'd here--in order that I might explain those