The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Caesar's Commentaries in Latin by Julius Caesar: comprehenderant atque in vincula coniecerant; tum proelio facto remiserunt
et in petenda pace eius rei culpam in multitudinem contulerunt et propter
imprudentiam ut ignosceretur petiverunt. Caesar questus quod, cum ultro
in continentem legatis missis pacem ab se petissent, bellum sine causa
intulissent, ignoscere imprudentiae dixit obsidesque imperavit;
quorum illi partem statim dederunt, partem ex longinquioribus locis
arcessitam paucis diebus sese daturos dixerunt. Interea suos in agros
remigrare iusserunt, principesque undique convenire et se civitatesque
suas Caesari commendare coeperunt.
His rebus pace confirmata, post diem quartum quam est in Britanniam
ventum naves XVIII, de quibus supra demonstratum est, quae equites
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from New Poems by Robert Louis Stevenson: In life an equal pace;
So may that love grow never old,
But, clear and pure and fountain-cold,
Go on from grace to grace.
IT'S forth across the roaring foam, and on towards the west,
It's many a lonely league from home, o'er many a mountain crest,
From where the dogs of Scotland call the sheep around the fold,
To where the flags are flying beside the Gates of Gold.
Where all the deep-sea galleons ride that come to bring the corn,
Where falls the fog at eventide and blows the breeze at morn;
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Karl Marx: exile; their temple is razed to the ground, their mouths are sealed,
their pen is broken, their law torn to pieces in the name of Religion,
of Family, of Property, and of Order. Bourgeois, fanatic on the point
of "Order," are shot down on their own balconies by drunken soldiers,
forfeit their family property, and their houses are bombarded for
pastime--all in the name of Property, of Family, of Religion, and of
Order. Finally, the refuse of bourgeois society constitutes the "holy
phalanx of Order," and the hero Crapulinsky makes his entry into the
Tuileries as the "Savior of Society."
Let us resume the thread of events.