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Today's Stichomancy for Mariah Carey

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Hiero by Xenophon:

the less honour them, as far as that goes, provided true affection still appear unsullied.[8]

[4] Lit. "many of the states have a law and custom to," etc. Cf. "Pol. Lac." ii. 4.

[5] Cf. Plat. "Laws," 874 C, "if a man find his wife suffering violence he may kill the violator and be guiltless in the eye of the law." Dem. "in Aristocr." 53, {ean tis apokteine en athlois akon . . . e epi damarti, k.t.l. . . . touton eneka me pheugein kteinanta}.

[6] See Lys. "de caed Eratosth." S. 32 f., {outos, o andres, tous biazomenous elattonos zemias axious egesato einai e tous