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Today's Stichomancy for Salma Hayek

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Historical Lecturers and Essays by Charles Kingsley:

if you be wise, you will carry back from it one lesson: That God's thoughts are not as our thoughts; nor His ways as our ways.

It was a fearful time which followed. I cannot but believe that our forefathers had been, in some way or other, great sinners, or two such conquests as Canute's and William's would not have fallen on them within the short space of sixty years. They did not want for courage, as Stamford Brigg and Hastings showed full well. English swine, their Norman conquerors called them often enough; but never English cowards. Their ruinous vice, if we are to trust the records of the time, was what the old monks called accidia--[Greek text]-- and ranked it as one of the seven deadly sins: a general careless,

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Falk by Joseph Conrad:

exposed to that sort of insult) made me huffy too. I felt ready in my own mind to back up every asser- tion of Schomberg's and on any subject. In a mo- ment, devil only knows why, Hermann and I were looking at each other most inimically. He caught up his hat without more ado and I gave myself the pleasure of calling after him:

"Take my advice and make Falk pay for break- ing up your ship. You aren't likely to get any- thing else out of him."

When I got on board my ship later on, the old

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Altar of the Dead by Henry James:

tier, from fire to fire, from name to name, from the white intensity of one clear emblem, of one saved soul, to another. It was in the quiet sense of having saved his souls that his deep strange instinct rejoiced. This was no dim theological rescue, no boon of a contingent world; they were saved better than faith or works could save them, saved for the warm world they had shrunk from dying to, for actuality, for continuity, for the certainty of human remembrance.

By this time he had survived all his friends; the last straight flame was three years old, there was no one to add to the list. Over and over he called his roll, and it appeared to him compact