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Today's Stichomancy for Yoshitaka Amano

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Mad King by Edgar Rice Burroughs:

hospital, providing you are not he, or he you, maintains as sturdily as do you that he is not Leopold. If one of you, whichever be king--providing that you are not one and the same, and that I be not the only maniac in the sad muddle--if one of you would but trust my loyalty and love for the true king and admit your identity, then I might be of some real service to that one of you who is really Leo- pold. Herr Gott! My words are as mixed as my poor brain."

"If you will listen to me, Herr Kramer," said Barney, "and believe what I tell you, I shall be able to unscramble your ideas in so far as they pertain to me and my identity. As to

The Mad King