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Today's Tarot for V. I. Lenin

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The Two Paths spread provides insight into an important decision ahead of you, the possible outcomes, and the forces that draw you towards each of these outcomes. The images of the Minchiate Tarot are drawn from a rare surviving 18th century deck of 97 cards - 19 more than the traditional Tarot. It is considered by many to be the single most powerful divination tool on the web, providing deep insight, rich in ancient symbolism, to any question you may pose. If you would like your own copy of the Minchiate Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe top left card represents the first possible outcome. Air, when reversed: Blindness to the concerns of the real world. Losing yourself in idle theorizing divorced from fact. Inability to recognize the circumstances, emotions, and motivations of others as real and important factors in a decision. The effortless application of excessive and inappropriate force to a situation.
Click for DetailsThe top right card represents the second possible outcome. The Lovers: A caring and trusting relationship. Beauty and inner harmony. A decision calling for emotional control and faithfulness to spiritual values.
Click for DetailsThe middle left card represents the force drawing you towards the first possible outcome. Three of Wands (Virtue), when reversed: Pride and arrogance. Convincing oneself that the ends justify the means. A great act of betrayal set in motion. Sinking to the level of an opponent. The vain quest for glory and a personal spotlight. Charity or friendship offered with intent of material gain.
Click for DetailsThe middle right card represents the force drawing you towards the second possible outcome. The Chariot: Victory through might. Advancement through bold action. Change through force. Order established through vigilance. A trying situation mastered by balancing opposing forces against each other. Discipline, individual effort and endurance will turn the tide.
Click for DetailsThe bottom card represents the critical factor that decides what will come to pass. Death, when reversed: Stagnation or petrifaction. The refusal to let go of the past. Resistance to change because of fear.