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Today's Bibliomancy for Osama bin Laden

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from King James Bible:

princes and all the congregation.

CH2 28:15 And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.

CH2 28:16 At that time did king Ahaz send unto the kings of Assyria to help him.

CH2 28:17 For again the Edomites had come and smitten Judah, and carried away captives.

King James Bible