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Today's Runes for Jet Li

The Fork spread is used at critical turning points, to understand the dynamics of an important decision. Jade Runes are most commonly used for questions about love, friendship, and relationships.
The left rune represents the first possible outcome. Algiz can be easily recognized as the antlers of the elk that it represents. The elk can represent victory, but is much more appropriately associated with the thrill of the hunt itself. This rune therefore can portend vigor and success in active endeavors. Also, this rune seems symbolic of a hand with outstretched fingers - a protective hand. This hand may suggest that you will be shielded from things negative - the problems still exist, you are spared the brunt of their force.
The right rune represents the second possible outcome. Tyr was the Norse god of war. It was through his sacrifice that the great force of chaos, the wolf Fenrir was bound. Here however, you have drawn the rune reversed. This could mean that a sacrifice made will not lead to the desired result. It could also mean a loss, or a victory overturned. This rune warns against entering into conflicts or negotiations, especially ones requiring that an offering or concession be made - the wolf might take your hand and yet remain unbound. Note also that Tyr was the god of law, so there is a suggestion of a wrongdoer who will avoid justice.
The bottom rune represents the critical factor that determines what will come to pass. Ken is the rune of light and knowledge. The rune is shown reversed representing a state of darkness or ignorance. Either you are unable to obtain information that you need, or the information is being withheld from you. In darkness there is fear, but remember that darkness does not mean isolation. Friendship and comfort can still be available, although they are not immediately visible.