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Today's Stichomancy for Adam Sandler

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Koran:

Lord is the limit; and that it is He who makes men laugh and weep; and that it is He who kills and makes alive; and that He created pairs, male and female, from a clot when it is emitted; and that for Him is the next production; and that he enriches and gives possession; and that He is the Lord of the Dog-star, and that He it was who destroyed 'Ad of yore, and Thamud, and left none of them; and the people of Noah before them,-verily, they were most unjust and outrageous!

And the overthrown (cities) He threw down; and there covered them what did cover them!

Which then of your Lord's benefits do ye dispute?

The Koran