The first excerpt represents the element of Air. It speaks of mental influences and the process of thought, and is drawn from The Gentle Grafter by O. Henry: section and gallop diplomatically over into the neighboring and
peaceful nation of Alabama."
Me and Caligula spent the next three days investigating the bunch of
mountains into which we proposed to kidnap Colonel Jackson T.
Rockingham. We finally selected an upright slice of topography covered
with bushes and trees that you could only reach by a secret path that
we cut out up the side of it. And the only way to reach the mountain
was to follow up the bend of a branch that wound among the elevations.
Then I took in hand an important subdivision of the proceedings. I
went up to Atlanta on the train and laid in a two-hundred-and-fifty-
The second excerpt represents the element of Fire. It speaks of emotional influences and base passions, and is drawn from Mistress Wilding by Rafael Sabatini: sir," he asked Richard, "does it come to be in your possession, having
been addressed, as you say, to Mr. Wilding?"
"Aye, sir," said Sir Edward, blinking his weak eyes. "Tell us that."
Richard hesitated again, and looked at Blake. Blake, who by now had
come to realize that his friend's affairs were not mended by his
interruptions, moodily shrugged his shoulders, scowling.
"Come, sir," said Colonel Luttrell, engagingly, answer the question."
"Aye," roared Albemarle; "let your invention have free rein."
Again poor Richard sought refuge in the truth. "We - Sir Rowland here
and I - had reason to suspect that he was awaiting such a letter."
"Tell us your reasons, sir, if we are to credit you," said the Duke,