The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from An International Episode by Henry James: "considering what a demonstrative beggar I am."
"I don't want to know anything about it--nothing whatever,"
said Beaumont. "Your mother asks me everytime she sees me whether
I believe you are really lost--and Lady Pimlico does the same.
I prefer to be able to answer that I know nothing about it--
that I never go there. I stay away for consistency's sake.
As I said the other day, they must look after you themselves."
"You are devilish considerate," said Lord Lambeth.
"They never question me."
"They are afraid of you. They are afraid of irritating you and making
you worse. So they go to work very cautiously, and, somewhere or other,
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from The Octopus by Frank Norris: Railroad Commission not in the pay of the P. and S. W."
"It is to the Railroad Commission, nevertheless," remarked
Magnus, "that the people of the State must look for relief. That
is our only hope. Once elect Commissioners who would be loyal to
the people, and the whole system of excessive rates falls to the
"Well, why not HAVE a Railroad Commission of our own, then?"
suddenly declared young Osterman.
"Because it can't be done," retorted Annixter. "YOU CAN'T BUCK
AGAINST THE RAILROAD and if you could you can't organise the
farmers in the San Joaquin. We tried it once, and it was enough
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Madame Firmiani by Honore de Balzac: saw her ten years ago in Rome; she was very handsome then."
Individuals of the species Attache have a mania for talking in the
style of Talleyrand. Their wit is often so refined that the point is
imperceptible; they are like billiard-players who avoid hitting the
ball with consummate dexterity. These individuals are usually
taciturn, and when they talk it is only about Spain, Vienna, Italy, or
Petersburg. Names of countries act like springs in their mind; press
them, and the ringing of their changes begins.
"That Madame Firmiani sees a great deal of the faubourg Saint-Germain,
doesn't she?" This from a person who desires to belong to the class
Distinguished. She gives the "de" to everybody,--to Monsieur Dupin