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Today's Stichomancy for Jack Nicholson

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Blix by Frank Norris:

him out in the evening, and instead of lunching at his club with Sargeant or George Hands, as he had been accustomed to do at one time, he fell into another habit of lunching with Blix at the flat on Washington Street, and spending the two hours allowed to him in the middle of the day in her company. Condy's desertion of them was often spoken of by the men of his club with whom he had been at one time so intimate, and the subject happened to be brought up again one noon when Jack Carter was in the club as George Hands' guest. Hands, Carter, and Eckert were at one of the windows over their after-dinner cigars and

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Eryxias by Platonic Imitator:



Platonic Imitator (see Appendix II above)

Translated by Benjamin Jowett


Much cannot be said in praise of the style or conception of the Eryxias. It is frequently obscure; like the exercise of a student, it is full of small imitations of Plato:--Phaeax returning from an expedition to Sicily (compare Socrates in the Charmides from the army at Potidaea), the figure of the game at draughts, borrowed from the Republic, etc. It has also in many passages the ring of sophistry. On the other hand, the rather

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Warlord of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs:

Finally the apt relaxed, sighing, as with the passing of a bad dream, and resumed the regular respiration of deep slumber. I planted my raised foot beyond the fierce head and an instant later had stepped over the beast. Thuvan Dihn followed directly after me, and another moment found us at the further door, undetected. The Carrion Caves consist of a series of twenty-seven connecting chambers, and present the appearance of having been

The Warlord of Mars