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Today's Stichomancy for Nicole Kidman

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Baby Mine by Margaret Mayo:

kiss!" she pleaded.

Again Alfred stooped to humour the small importunate person who was so jealous of his every thought, but just as his lips touched her forehead his ear was arrested by a sound as yet new both to him and to Zoie. He lifted his head and listened.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I don't know," answered Zoie, wondering if the cat could have got into the room.

A redoubled effort on the part of the young stranger directed their attention in the right direction.

"My God!" exclaimed Alfred tragically, "it's Baby. He's crying."

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from The Lesson of the Master by Henry James:

Our hero watched him, wondering and deeply touched. "Haven't you been happy!"

"Happy? It's a kind of hell."

"There are things I should like to ask you," Paul said after a pause.

"Ask me anything in all the world. I'd turn myself inside out to save you."

"To 'save' me?" he quavered.

"To make you stick to it - to make you see it through. As I said to you the other night at Summersoft, let my example be vivid to you."

The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Crisis in Russia by Arthur Ransome:

salable manufactures of the towns) without the usual incentives to market food in exchange for other wares; an industrial population unable to keep its strength for lack of food, unable to earn a livelihood for lack of materials, and so unable to make good by imports from abroad the failure of productivity at home ."

Russia is an emphasized engraving, in which every line of that picture is bitten in with repeated washes of acid. Several new lines, however, are added to the drawing, for in Russia the processes at work elsewhere have gone further than in the rest of Europe, and it is possible to see dimly, in faint