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Today's Stichomancy for Vladimir Putin

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from What is Man? by Mark Twain:

looking like anybody in particular, but a good deal like everybody in general. By and by a hearty and healthy German- American got in and opened up a frank and interesting and sympathetic conversation with him, and asked him a couple of thousand questions about himself, which the king answered good- naturedly, but in a more or less indefinite way as to private particulars.

"Where do you live when you are at home?"

"In Greece."

"Greece! Well, now, that is just astonishing! Born there?"


What is Man?
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Twilight Land by Howard Pyle:

Woman's Wit A Piece of Good Luck The Fruit of Happiness Not a Pin to Choose Much Shall Have More and Little Shall Have Less Wisdom's Wages and Folly's Pay The Enchanted Island All Things are as Fate Wills Where to Lay the Blame The Salt of Life


The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Concerning Christian Liberty by Martin Luther:

law voluntarily and of free love, making herself like the rest of women, that she might not offend or throw contempt on them. She was not justified by doing this; but, being already justified, she did it freely and gratuitously. Thus ought our works too to be done, and not in order to be justified by them; for, being first justified by faith, we ought to do all our works freely and cheerfully for the sake of others.

St. Paul circumcised his disciple Timothy, not because he needed circumcision for his justification, but that he might not offend or contemn those Jews, weak in the faith, who had not yet been able to comprehend the liberty of faith. On the other hand, when