Today's Tarot for Jackie Chan
| The Three Fates spread is an exceptionally popular way to gain insight into the emerging arc of the past, present, and future. The William Blake Tarot explores the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet. Through rich interpretations focused on creative undertakings, it has long been the deck of choice for artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers. For more information about this deck, or to buy your own personal copy, go to
| The left card represents an important element of the past. Five of Painting (Hardship), when reversed: Transcending difficulties, insecurity, and financial worries. Taking responsibility for ones own actions or mistakes. Stripping down for action. Facing up to your fears and critics. Issues of support, loyalty, or companionship in hard times. In the creative process: Realize that the problems you are trying to solve may put you at odds with others who do not recognize your value. Be ready to grapple with personal blocks and fears, and to hear more from your inner voice than reasons why things won't work. |
| The middle card represents a deciding element of the present. Seven of Science (Lamentation): Psychic energy restrained. Feeling burdened with heavy thoughts. Pushing yourself too hard. Wallowing over and refusing to accept the situation. Straining against something. In the creative process: When you are feeling stuck or blocked, push your imagination to find a way around the problem; rely on your energy and hard work. |
| The right card represents a critical element of the future. Five of Music (Melancholy), when reversed: Denial. Failure to reach spiritual insights following a sad event. Inability to leave past failures behind. Buried hopes. Refusal to acknowledge mistakes. Letdown after intense effort. In the creative process: Convert the pain of disappointment or loss into artistic expression. Let go of something old or dead and move on to something new and alive. |