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Today's Tarot for James Gandolfini

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The Hagall spread is a tool for revealing the path of spiritual growth in difficult situations. It is a favorite of mystics and those confronting a major life challenge. The Lovecraft Tarot is a tribute to the gothic writings of the visionary H.P. Lovecraft. It is the deck of choice for explorers of the macabre, and for posing questions that should never be asked. If you would like your own copy of the Lovecraft Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle of the circle represents the core or central issue of the situation. Four of Tomes (The R'lyeh Texts), when reversed: Squandering a great and hard won victory through decadence and laziness. Failing to reward those truly responsible for an achievement. Using past accomplishments as an excuse to ignore current problems. Abandoning the very qualities that brought about initial success.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom of the circle represents something you did to bring the situation about. Night Gaunt: Cyclic transformation covering the mysterious forces of the night. Feminine beauty and the intoxicating vitality of youth. The metamorphosis from beauty to beast and vice versa. Occult forces, sensitivities and intense dreams. Dangerous situations and perilous times.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom left of the circle represents your beliefs, impressions, or expectations. Six of Sites (The Mountains of Madness): A time of prosperity and profit. Success and generosity in material things. Power and influence turned to noble pursuits. Philanthropy, and the balancing of physical and spiritual life. May suggest gifts or aid to one in need.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom right of the circle represents the most likely outcome of the situation given present circumstances. Eight of Man (Wizard Noah Whateley), when reversed: The realization that a matter thought to be important was actually of little consequence. Moving on from something in which you had invested great love and devotion. The start of an inner journey to find higher aspects of life. Reflection on what is truly fulfilling in life.
Click for DetailsThe card at the upper left of the circle represents the spiritual history of the situation the things you've learned. Seven of Artifacts (EOD Vestments): An opportunity to withdraw from a hopeless situation and fight another day. Disengagement from a struggle you should never have been involved in. A desperate attempt to resolve a matter without conflict. The use of cleverness or outright deception to turn the tide in your favor.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top of the circle represents the spiritual tasks and challenges of the present situation. Six of Tomes (Libre d'Eibon): A sense of honor and satisfaction at the resolution of an important matter. Triumph after great struggle. Jubilation at the hearing of good news. The realization of hopes and desires.
Click for DetailsThe card at the upper right of the circle represents the metamorphosis of the spiritual situation, and how your knowledge will evolve. Four of Artifacts (The Shining Trapezohedron): A time of tranquility and intellectual repose in the midst of a great struggle. A temporary retreat from stress to regather inner strength, reaffirm convictions, reorganize thoughts, and formulate a new plan. The need for vigilance in a moment of calm. May suggest a withdrawal from the material world to find spiritual guidance.
Click for DetailsThe card at the left of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will sustain your spiritual journey. Ace of Man (H.P. Lovecraft), when reversed: The seed of a destructive relationship or spiritual collapse. A missed opportunity for joy, contentment, fertility, or enlightenment. Failing to understand the emotional needs of those around you. May represent an unexpected message, a chance meeting, or the start of a friendship or romance.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle of the lower line represents the qualities that you express in this circumstance. Queen of Man (Harley Warren), when reversed: The dark essence of water, such as a deep and foreboding lake: Discomfort with the worlds of mind and matter, leading to a retreat to the spiritual. The embrace of negative relationships, driven by the desperate fear of being alone. Devotion to fantasies and daydreams, to the exclusion of practical skills or the pursuit of knowledge. Insecurity leading to dishonor, vice, and undue susceptibility to outside influences.
Click for DetailsThe card at the right of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will reveal spiritual knowledge. Ghoul: A major change or transformation, possibly traumatic and unexpected. Freedom from the shackles of the past. A new beginning. Death coupled with rebirth, usually related to consciousness and lifestyle.