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Today's Tarot for Penelope Cruz

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The Twisting Path spread provides insight into the path ahead of you and the choices you must make. This is the spread for situations where more than one pitfall may lie ahead. The Renaissance Tarot is a modern deck, with symbolism drawn from the heroic age and rendered in renaissance style. This deck is an excellent choice for exploring questions of passion, mastery, and the inner workings of human reason. If you would like your own copy of the Renaissance Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe card at the lower left, represents the first decision along your path. Six of Staves (Victory): Triumph over great difficulties. A glorious victory. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."
Click for DetailsThe card to the far left represents the first false path that may lead you astray. The Emperor, when reversed: Tyranny. Pomposity. Jove-like self-indulgence.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle represents the second decision along your path. Ten of Cups (Satiety), when reversed: Emotional turbulence. Unrequited love. Family disagreements.
Click for DetailsThe card at the lower right represents the second false path that may lead you astray. Page of Coins: An intelligent and sensible young person. Dependable and practical person who yet hides mysterious corners of himself and hoards secret treasures. An admirer of the patterns of heavens, the makeup of nature, or the language of numbers.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top represents one possible mask of your true destination. Knight of Coins: A responsible and hardworking young person, efficient and persevering. An organizer, cataloguer, and pathfinder. A person attached to the realities of life, but with a quixotic streak. A person who is serious yet quick to laugh.