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Today's Stichomancy for Claire Forlani

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from The Reign of King Edward the Third by William Shakespeare:

KING EDWARD. Tut, let him fight; we gave him arms to day, And he is laboring for a knighthood, man.

[Enter Derby.]

DARBY. The Prince, my Lord, the Prince! oh, succour him! He's close incompast with a world of odds!

KING EDWARD. Then will he win a world of honor too, If he by valour can redeem him thence; If not, what remedy? we have more sons

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from The Shadow Line by Joseph Conrad:

Nothing more came.

"What's the matter? . . . Can't you tell after being nearly two years in the ship?" I ad- dressed him sharply.

He looked as startled for a moment as though he had discovered my presence only that very mo- ment. But this passed off almost at once. He put on an air of indifference. But I suppose he thought it better to say something. He said that a ship needed, just like a man, the chance to show the best she could do, and that this ship had never had

The Shadow Line
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from The Case of The Lamp That Went Out by Grace Isabel Colbron and Augusta Groner:

interrupted the commissioner, a faint smile breaking the gravity of his face. "We certainly gave you every opportunity."

"But there's an innocent man accused - suffering fear of death - justice must be done. But, sir," Muller took the warrant the commissioner handed across the table to him. "May I not make it as easy as I can for Mr. Thorne - I mean, bring him here with as little publicity as possible? His wife is with him in Venice."

"Poor little woman, it's terrible! Do whatever you think best, Muller. You're a queer mixture. Here you've hounded this man down, followed hot on his trail when not a soul but yourself connected him in any way with the murder. And now you're sorry for him! A