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Today's Stichomancy for Heidi Klum

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Bab:A Sub-Deb, Mary Roberts Rinehart by Mary Roberts Rinehart:

"After all, Bab, perhaps we all needed this. I know I did.

"I want to ask you something. Do you remember the time you wrote me that you were BLITED and I sugested that we be blited together. How about changing that a bit, and being PLITED. Because if I am not cheered by something of the sort, my Patriotism is going to ooze out of the blisters on my heels."

I have thought about this all day, and I have no right to ruin his Career. I beleive that the Army should be encouraged as much as possible. I have therefore sent him a small drawing, copied from the Manual, like this

{1" tall figure of a man holding semifore flags -- his right arm is