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Today's Stichomancy for Jack Nicholson

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Mad King by Edgar Rice Burroughs:

her from civil strife--my prince has patched a truce with Peter; though unless I mistake the character of the latter and the temper of the former it will be short-lived.

"To demonstrate to the people," continued the officer, "that Prince Ludwig and Peter are good friends, the great Von der Tann will attend the coronation, but that he takes little stock in the sincerity of the Prince of Blentz would be ap- parent could the latter have a peep beneath the cloaks and look into the loyal hearts of the men of Tann who rode down to Lustadt today."

Barney did not wait to hear more. He was glad that in

The Mad King