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Today's Stichomancy for Tom Hanks

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from On Horsemanship by Xenophon:

{xephos}. "Cyrop." I. ii. 13.

Again, in place of the long reed spear, which is apt to be weak and awkward to carry, we would substitute two darts of cornel-wood;[10] the one of which the skilful horseman can let fly, and still ply the one reserved in all directions, forwards, backwards,[11] and obliquely; add to that, these smaller weapons are not only stronger than the spear but far more manageable.

[10] For these reforms, the result of the author's Asiatic experiences perhaps, cf. "Hell." III. iv. 14; "Anab." I. viii. 3; "Cyrop." I. ii. 9.

[11] Reading {eis toupisthen} after Leoncl.

On Horsemanship