The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy: As far as that chief Christian is concerned I might as well
have stayed at home and seed nothing, like all the rest
of ye here. Though, as far as myself is concerned,
a dashing spirit has counted for sommat, to be sure!"
"Don't ye let me down so, Father; I feel no bigger
than a ninepin after it. I've made but a bruckle hit,
I'm afeard."
"Come, come. Never pitch yerself in such a low key
as that, Christian; you should try more," said Fairway.
"Yes, you should try more," echoed the Grandfer
with insistence, as if he had been the first to make
Return of the Native |
The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Disputation of the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences by Dr. Martin Luther: 19. Nec hoc probatum esse videtur, quod sint de sua beatitudine
certe et secure, saltem omnes, licet nos certissimi simus.
20. Igitur papa per remissionem plenariam omnium penarum non
simpliciter omnium intelligit, sed a seipso tantummodo
21. Errant itaque indulgentiarum predicatores ii, qui dicunt per
pape indulgentias hominem ab omni pena solvi et salvari.
22. Quin nullam remittit animabus in purgatorio, quam in hac vita
debuissent secundum Canones solvere.
23. Si remissio ulla omnium omnino penarum potest alicui dari,
certum est eam non nisi perfectissimis, i.e. paucissimis, dari.
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from A Second Home by Honore de Balzac: makes every pang endurable. Is it not the apotheosis of egotism, of
Self beyond the grave? Thus even the Pope was censured at the tribunal
of the priest and the young devotee. To be always in the right is a
feeling which absorbs every other in these tyrannous souls.
For some time past a secret struggle had been going on between the
ideas of the husband and wife, and the young man was soon weary of a
battle to which there could be no end. What man, what temper, can
endure the sight of a hypocritically affectionate face and categorical
resistance to his slightest wishes? What is to be done with a wife who
takes advantage of his passion to protect her coldness, who seems
determined on being blandly inexorable, prepares herself ecstatically