| The Hagall spread is a tool for revealing the path of spiritual growth in difficult situations. It is a favorite of mystics and those confronting a major life challenge. The Palladini Tarot was created to "bridge the ancient and the future", using elements of Medieval, Egyptian and modern art. It is one of the most popular decks among new students of Tarot. If you would like your own copy of the Palladini Tarot, you can buy it now! |
| The card in the middle of the circle represents the core or central issue of the situation. Six of Swords (Science), when reversed: Conceit and intellectual pride. Being stuck in a problem which has no apparent solution. Frustration and anxiety that are left unsettled. Travel and exploration are delayed. |
| The card at the bottom of the circle represents something you did to bring the situation about. Knight of Pentacles, when reversed: The essence of earth behaving as fire, such as molten magma: One slow to action, even in the most urgent circumstances. A force of nature that cannot be diverted from the wrong path. The voice of duty and honor utterly divorced from reality. Lack of imagination and the complete unwillingness to try a different approach, even if the face of complete failure. Idleness and stagnation. |
| The card at the bottom left of the circle represents your beliefs, impressions, or expectations. Eight of Pentacles (Prudence): Dedicating yourself fully to a task. Learning a new craft or skill. Applying painstaking attention to detail. Industriousness and the efficient completion of tasks. Sticking with a project long enough to see it through. |
| The card at the bottom right of the circle represents the most likely outcome of the situation given present circumstances. Three of Rods (Virtue), when reversed: Pride and arrogance. Convincing oneself that the ends justify the means. A great act of betrayal set in motion. Sinking to the level of an opponent. The vain quest for glory and a personal spotlight. Charity or friendship offered with intent of material gain. |
| The card at the upper left of the circle represents the spiritual history of the situation the things you've learned. Five of Swords (Defeat): A success earned through personal degradation. Separation from friends brought about by an unfeeling and coldly calculated act. Temporary victory tainted by dishonor and providing fuel for eventual defeat. |
| The card at the top of the circle represents the spiritual tasks and challenges of the present situation. Seven of Pentacles (Assessment), when reversed: Labors abandoned before completion. Impatience, lack of effort, and the wasting of time. Idle and unprofitable speculation. |
| The card at the upper right of the circle represents the metamorphosis of the spiritual situation, and how your knowledge will evolve. Five of Rods (Strife), when reversed: Pointless struggles motivated by the vain pursuit of recognition, financial reward, or base desires. Disunity, chaos, and petty quarreling at a time of crisis. A stressful situation that brings out the worst in the participants. |
| The card at the left of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will sustain your spiritual journey. Three of Cups (Abundance), when reversed: A time of shallow overindulgence, followed depletion. The successful but utterly unfulfilling conclusion of a matter. Satisfaction from sensual pleasures divorced from any sense of love. May indicate problems prematurely dismissed or a victory claimed before it is certain. |
| The card in the middle of the lower line represents the qualities that you express in this circumstance. Eight of Cups (Indolence): Losing interest in a matter deeply important to you. Being forced to abandon something in which you had invested great love and devotion. Seeking earthly, physical pleasures, to the exclusion of spiritual growth and emotional fulfillment. Emotional withdrawal and lethargy. |
| The card at the right of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will reveal spiritual knowledge. Death: A major change or transformation, possibly traumatic and unexpected. Freedom from the shackles of the past. A new beginning. Death coupled with rebirth, usually related to consciousness and lifestyle. |